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        • 时间 2023-03-09
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        论文题目 刊物/论文集名称 作者姓名 发表/出版日期 收录类别
        Structure characteristics of the vortices moving off the Tibetan Plateau METEOROLOGY AND ATMOSPHERIC PHYSICS (1)李论(职),(2)张人禾(外),(3)温敏(职) 2020-01-24 SCI
        Atmospheric CH3CCl3 observations in China: Historical trends and implications ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH (6)张根(职),(1)于大江(外),(2)姚波(外),(3)林伟立(外),(4)Martin K. Vollmer(外),(5)葛宝珠(外),(7)李怡(职),(8)徐宏辉(外),(9)Simon 2020-01-24
        East Asian study of tropospheric aerosols and their impact on regional clouds, precipitation, and climate (EAST‐AIRCPC) Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (1)Zhanqing Li(外),(2)Yuan Wang(外),(3)郭建平02(职),(4)赵传峰(外) 2020-01-23 SCI
        Enhancement of the summer extreme precipitation over North China by interactions between moisture convergence and topographic settings CLIMATE DYNAMICS (5)常祎(职),(1)赵阳(职),(2)Deliang Chen(外),(3)Jiao Li(外),(4)Dandan Chen(外),(6)Juan Li(外),(7)Rui Qin(外) 2020-01-23 SCI
        Distinct diurnal variation in organic aerosol hygroscopicity and its relationship with oxygenated organic aerosol Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (1)旷烨(外),(2)何瑶(外),(3)徐婉筠(职) 2020-01-23 SCI
        Temporal variation of dust aerosol pollution in northern China Arabian Journal of Geosciences (3)车慧正(职),(1)王训明(外),(2)Ting Hua(外) 2020-01-21 SCI
        Uncertainty analysis of spatiotemporal characteristics of haze pollution from 1961 to 2017 in China Atmospheric Pollution Research (1)路淑华(龚山陵,何建军)(学),(2)龚山陵(职),(3)何建军(职) 2020-01-20 SCI
        Research on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm Based on Quantum Computing Technology Research on Particle Swarm Optimization zation (1)王光辉(职) 2020-01-20 国外其他期刊
        • Structure characteristics of the vortices moving off the Tibetan Plateau

          METEOROLOGY AND ATMOSPHERIC PHYSICS (1)李论(职),(2)张人禾(外),(3)温敏(职) 2020-01-24 SCI
        • Atmospheric CH3CCl3 observations in China: Historical trends and implications

          ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH (6)张根(职),(1)于大江(外),(2)姚波(外),(3)林伟立(外),(4)Martin K. Vollmer(外),(5)葛宝珠(外),(7)李怡(职),(8)徐宏辉(外),(9)Simon 2020-01-24
        • East Asian study of tropospheric aerosols and their impact on regional clouds, precipitation, and climate (EAST‐AIRCPC)

          Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (1)Zhanqing Li(外),(2)Yuan Wang(外),(3)郭建平02(职),(4)赵传峰(外) 2020-01-23 SCI
        • Enhancement of the summer extreme precipitation over North China by interactions between moisture convergence and topographic settings

          CLIMATE DYNAMICS (5)常祎(职),(1)赵阳(职),(2)Deliang Chen(外),(3)Jiao Li(外),(4)Dandan Chen(外),(6)Juan Li(外),(7)Rui Qin(外) 2020-01-23 SCI
        • Distinct diurnal variation in organic aerosol hygroscopicity and its relationship with oxygenated organic aerosol

          Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (1)旷烨(外),(2)何瑶(外),(3)徐婉筠(职) 2020-01-23 SCI
        • Temporal variation of dust aerosol pollution in northern China

          Arabian Journal of Geosciences (3)车慧正(职),(1)王训明(外),(2)Ting Hua(外) 2020-01-21 SCI
        • Uncertainty analysis of spatiotemporal characteristics of haze pollution from 1961 to 2017 in China

          Atmospheric Pollution Research (1)路淑华(龚山陵,何建军)(学),(2)龚山陵(职),(3)何建军(职) 2020-01-20 SCI
        • Research on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm Based on Quantum Computing Technology

          Research on Particle Swarm Optimization zation (1)王光辉(职) 2020-01-20 国外其他期刊