硕士生导师王世璋,南京mobilesport365_365游戏盒子_28365备用网址官方网站科技创新研究院,博士,副研究员,硕士生导师,主要从事资料同化方法、雷达资料同化、对流尺度集合预报等方面的研究。对资料同化算法,尤其是集合同化算法有深入理解,熟悉变分同化切线、伴随的构建。早年在南信大自研WRF-EnSRF集合同化系统,广泛应用于师弟师妹的学位论文,并在国内核心、权威期刊以及SCI期刊(QJRMS)发表多篇相关论文。2017-2019年赴美国NCAR公派访问,基于WRFDA研发了复杂含混合相态粒子贡献的反射率算子的切线伴随,并在WRFV4中正式集成,相关研究内容被GMD收录。熟悉模式物理过程随机扰动方案(SPPT/SPP)的构建,在OU CAPS实验室的ARPS模式上自主构建了针对强对流,尤其是超级单体的模式扰动方案,涉及微物理、次网格耗散等方面,相关工作不仅在MWR收录,也在NCEP会议纪要(NCEP Office Note 493)上得到关注。
2020.11-至今南京mobilesport365_365游戏盒子_28365备用网址官方网站科技创新研究院 副研究员
Wang, S., and X. Qiao, 2020: Impacts of terminal velocity on precipitation prediction and the error representation of terminal velocity in ensemble forecasts. Atmospheric Science Letters, 21, e974.
Wang, S., X. Qiao, and J. Min, 2020: Impact of Stochastically Perturbed Terminal Velocities on Convective-Scale Ensemble Forecasts of Precipitation. Advances in Meteorology, 2020. DOI: 10.1155/2020/4234361
Qiao, X., S. Wang, C. S. Schwartz, Z. Liu, and J. Min, 2020: A Method for Probability Matching Based on the Ensemble Maximum for Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts. Mon. Wea. Rev., 148, 3379-3396.
Wang, S., and Z. Liu, 2019: A radar reflectivity operator with ice-phase hydrometeors for variational data assimilation (version 1.0) and its evaluation with real radar data. Geoscientific Model Development, 12, 4031-4051.
Wang, S., X. Qiao, J. Min, and X. Zhuang, 2019: The Impact of Stochastically Perturbed Parameterizations on Tornadic Supercell Cases in East China. Mon. Wea. Rev., 147, 199-220.
Qiao, X., S. Wang, and J. Min, 2018: The Impact of a Stochastically Perturbing Microphysics Scheme on an Idealized Supercell Storm. Mon. Wea. Rev., 146, 95-118.
Qiao, X., S. Wang, and J. Min, 2017: A Stochastic Perturbed Parameterization Tendency Scheme for Diffusion (SPPTD) and Its Application to an Idealized Supercell Simulation. Mon. Wea. Rev., 145, 2119-2139.
Wang, S., Xue, M., Schenkman, A. D. and Min, J. An iterative ensemble square root filter and tests with simulated radar data for storm-scale data assimilation. Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc. 2013, 139(676): 1888~1903
Wang, S., M. Xue, and J. Min A four-dimensional asynchronous ensemble square-root filter (4DEnSRF) and tests with simulated radar data. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 2012, 139(672): 805~819