1998-2002 河海大学 水文水资源专业 学士
2003-2009 河海大学 水文学及水资源 硕士、博士
2002-2003 江苏省水利厅水文水资源局
2009-2010 国家mobilesport365_365游戏盒子_28365备用网址官方网站中心
2010-2014 中国mobilesport365_365游戏盒子_28365备用网址官方网站局公共mobilesport365_365游戏盒子_28365备用网址官方网站服务中心
2015-至今 国家mobilesport365_365游戏盒子_28365备用网址官方网站中心
1.Application of a developed distributed hydrological model based on the mixed runoff generation model and 2D kinematic wave flow routing model for better flood forecasting, Atmospheric Science Letters.
2.Characteristics and influencing factors of rainfall-induced landslide and debris flow hazards in Shaanxi Province, China. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci.
3. Ensemble flood forecasting based on ensemble NWP and the GMKHM distributed hydrological model. MATEC Web of Conferences.
4. On Simulation Improvement of Noah_LSM by Coupling with a Hydrological Model Using a “Double-Excess” Runoff-production Scheme in GRAPES_MESO model, Meteorological Applications.
5.The improved Noah land surface model based on storage capacity curve and Muskingum method and application in GRAPES model, Atmospheric Science Letters.
6.Application of a developed atmospheric-hydrologic-hydraulic flood forecasting model driven by TIGGE ensemble forecasts. Acta Meteor. Sinica.
7.Hydraulic Model with Roughness coefficient updating method based on Kalman filter for channel flood forecast.Water Science and Engineering.
8.Coupling ensemble weather predictions based on TIGGE database with Grid-Xinanjiang model for flood forecast. Advances in Geosciences.
9.Ensemble forecasting using TIGGE for the July–September 2008 floods in the Upper Huai catchment: a case study. Atmospheric Science Letters.
10.Hydrological daily rainfall-runoff simulation with BTOPMC model and comparison with Xin'anjiang model. Water Science and Engineering.
11.Application of Developed Grid-GA Distributed Hydrologic Model in Semi-Humid and Semi-Arid Basin. Transactions of Tianjin University.
12.Application of a Developed Grid-Xinanjiang Model to Chinese Watersheds for Flood Forecasting Purpose. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering.
19.基于分布式水文模型的小流域山洪预报方法与应用. 暴雨灾害.
20.基于水土耦合机制的流域滑坡预报研究. mobilesport365_365游戏盒子_28365备用网址官方网站.
21.mobilesport365_365游戏盒子_28365备用网址官方网站水文耦合的洪水预报研究进展. mobilesport365_365游戏盒子_28365备用网址官方网站.
22.基于Holtan产流的分布式水文模型. 河海大学学报(自然科学版).
23.基于Kalman滤波糙率反演模型的河道洪水实时预报研究[J]. 水力发电学报.
24.基于集合预报的淮河流域洪水预报研究[J]. 水利学报.
25.淮河具有行蓄洪区河系洪水预报水力学模型研究[J]. 湖泊科学.