硕士生导师赵俊虎,mobilesport365_365游戏盒子_28365备用网址官方网站学博士,高级工程师。2009 年本科毕业于中山大学大气科学专业,2014 年毕业于兰州大学mobilesport365_365游戏盒子_28365备用网址官方网站学专业,获博士学位。主持国家自然科学基金项目3项、厅局级项目3项,骨干参加重大研发计划等项目10余项,发表论文70余篇,其中第一和通讯作者论文30余篇。获中国mobilesport365_365游戏盒子_28365备用网址官方网站学会科技进步二等奖和教育部科学技术进步二等奖,入选中国mobilesport365_365游戏盒子_28365备用网址官方网站局mobilesport365_365游戏盒子_28365备用网址官方网站青年英才。 主要研究方向为:东亚气候年际和季节预测理论与方法、三大洋对我国季节和次季节气候的影响机理、极端事件等。
2014. 7~2014.10,国家气候中心气候预测室,实习/助工;
2022.11~至今, 国家气候中心气候预测室,正高级工程师
1. Junhu Zhao, Han Zhang, Jinqing Zuo,
Liu Yang, Jie Yang, Kaiguo Xiong, Guolin Feng, Dong Wenjie. 2022: Oceanic
drivers and empirical prediction of late summer rainfall variability over
Northeast China. Climate Dynamics, 58(3-4): 861–878. doi:
2. Junhu Zhao, Jie Zhou, Kaiguo Xiong,
Guolin Feng, 2019: Relationship between tropical Indian ocean SSTA in spring
and precipitation of Northeast China in late summer. J. Meteor. Res.,
33(6): 1060–1074. doi: 10.1007/s13351-019-9026-9.
3. Junhu Zhao, Jie Zhou, Liu Yang,
Wei Hou, Guolin Feng, 2018: Inter-annual and inter-decadal
variability of early- and late-summer precipitation over northeast China and
their background circulation. International Journal of Climatology, 38(6):
2880–2888. https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.5470.
4. Junhu Zhao, Liu Yang, Guolin Feng,
2018: The Circulation System Configuration Characteristics of Four Rainfall
Patterns in Summer over the East China monsoon region. Theoretical and
Applied Climatology, 131(3-4): 1211–1219. doi:
5. Zhao Junhu, Yang Liu, Gu Bohui,
Yang Jie, Feng Guolin, 2016: On the Relationship between the Winter Eurasian
Teleconnection Pattern and the Following Summer Precipitation over China. Adv.
Atmos. Sci., 33(6): 743–752. doi:10.1007/s00376-015-5195-3.
6. Zhao Jun-hu, Yang Liu, Hou Wei, Liu
Gang, Zeng Yu-xing, 2015: Extra-seasonal prediction at summer 500 hPa height
field in the area of cold vortices over East Asia with a dynamical- statistical
method. Chin. Phys. B, 24(5):
059202. doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/5/059202.
7. Zhao Junhu, Feng Guolin, 2014:
Reconstruction of Conceptual Prediction Model for the Three Rainfall Patterns
in the summer of eastern China under global warming. Science China: Earth
Sciences, 57(12): 3047–3061. doi: 10.1007/s11430-014-4930-4. [赵俊虎,
封国林, 2015:全球变暖背景下中国东部夏季三类雨型预测概念模型新建.
中国科学:地球科学, 45(4): 414–426.]
8. Zhao Jun-hu, Feng Guo-lin, Zhi Rong,
2013: Progresses and prospects on research for season division and changes in
China. Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 19(1): 28–38.
9. Jie Zhou, Rong Zhi*, Yonghua
Li, Junhu Zhao*, Bo Xiang, Yao Wu, Guolin Feng, 2020:
Possible causes of the significant decrease in the number of summer days with
light rain in the east of southwestern China. Atmospheric Research,
236: 104804-1-9. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2019.104804.
10. Liu Yang, Junhu Zhao*, Po
Hu, Shulin Qu, Guolin Feng*, 2019: The Major Interannual Modes of
the Late-Summer Precipitation over the Northern China Monsoon Region. Atmosphere-Ocean, 57(4):
295–306. doi.10.1080/07055900.2019.1670612.
11. Naihui Zang, Junhu Zhao*, Pengcheng
Yan, Guolin Feng*, 2019: Interdecadal variations of the temporal and
spatial distribution of summer extreme heat in China. Atmosphere-Ocean, 57(5):
365–377. doi: 10.1080/07055900.2019.1692189.
12. Liu Yang, Junhu Zhao*,
Guolin Feng, 2017: Classification of Typical Summer Rainfall Patterns in the
East China Monsoon Region and their Association with the East Asian Summer
Monsoon. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 129(3): 1201–1209.
doi: 10.1007/s00704-016-1843-5.
13. Feng Guolin, Sun Shupeng, Zhao Junhu*,
Zheng Zhihai, 2013: Analysis of stable components for extended-range (10–30
days) weather forecast: A case study of continuous overcast-rainy process in
early 2009 over the mid-lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Science
China: Earth Sciences, 56(9): 1576–1587. doi: 10.1007/s11430-012-4527-8.
14. 赵俊虎,
张涵, 左金清,
等, 2021: 2020年江淮流域超强梅雨年际异常的驱动因子分析.
大气科学, 45(6): 1433-1450.
15. 赵俊虎,
熊开国, 陈丽娟,
2020: 东北夏季降水预测技巧偏低的原因探讨. 大气科学,
44(5): 913-934.
16. 赵俊虎,
陈丽娟, 王东阡,
2018: 2016年我国梅雨异常特征及成因分析. 大气科学.
42(5): 1055-1066.
17. 赵俊虎,
杨柳, 曾宇星,
等, 2016: 夏季长江中下游和华南两类雨型的环流特征及预测信号.
大气科学, 40 (6): 1182-1198.
18. 赵俊虎,
支蓉, 申茜,
等, 2014: 2012年我国夏季降水预测与异常成因分析.
大气科学, 38(2): 237-250.
19. 赵俊虎,
封国林, 王启光,
等, 2011: 2010年我国夏季降水异常气候成因分析及预测.
大气科学, 35(6): 1069-1078.
20. 于晓澄, 赵俊虎*,
杨柳, 等,
2019: 华北雨季开始早晚与大气环流和海温异常的关系.
大气科学, 43(1): 107-118.
21. 杨 柳, 赵俊虎*,
封国林, 2018: 中国东部季风区夏季四类雨型的水汽输送特征及差异.
大气科学, 42 (1): 81-95.
22. 赵俊虎,
陈丽娟, 熊开国,
2018: 基于新监测指标的江南入梅早晚的气候特征及影响系统分析. mobilesport365_365游戏盒子_28365备用网址官方网站学报,
76(5): 680-698.
23. 赵俊虎,
封国林, 杨杰,
等, 2012: 夏季西太副高的不同类型下中国汛期大尺度旱涝分布.
mobilesport365_365游戏盒子_28365备用网址官方网站学报, 70(5): 1021-1031.
24. 赵俊虎,
王启光, 支蓉,
等, 2012: 中国极端温度的群发性研究.
mobilesport365_365游戏盒子_28365备用网址官方网站学报, 70(2): 302-310.
25. 赵俊虎,
陈丽娟, 章大全,
2022: 2021夏季降水异常成因分析. mobilesport365_365游戏盒子_28365备用网址官方网站,
48(1): 107-121.
26. 赵俊虎,
陈丽娟, 章大全,
2022. 2021年汛期气候预测效果评述及先兆信号分析.
mobilesport365_365游戏盒子_28365备用网址官方网站, 48(4): 479-
27. 赵俊虎,
宋文玲, 柯宗建,
2020: 2019/2020年冬季我国气候异常及成因分析. mobilesport365_365游戏盒子_28365备用网址官方网站,
46(7): 997-1008.
28. 赵俊虎,
王永光, 2019: 2018年秋季我国气候异常及成因分析.
mobilesport365_365游戏盒子_28365备用网址官方网站, 45(4): 565-576.
29. 赵俊虎*,
封国林, 杨杰,
等, 2015: 2013年中国夏季降水动力-统计预测回顾及存在问题探讨.
mobilesport365_365游戏盒子_28365备用网址官方网站科技进展, 5(2): 24-28.
30. 赵俊虎*,
周杰, 叶天舒,
等, 2015: 2013年夏季中国北涝南旱环境场及异常成因分析.
mobilesport365_365游戏盒子_28365备用网址官方网站科技进展, 5(5): 14-23.
31. 季 飞, 赵俊虎*,
申茜, 等,2014:
季风与极涡的异常配置下中国夏季大尺度旱涝分布. 物理学报,
64(5): 059201-1-10.
32. 赵俊虎,
杨杰, 封国林,
等, 2013: 2011年我国夏季降水动力统计预测与异常成因.
应用mobilesport365_365游戏盒子_28365备用网址官方网站学报, 24(1): 43-54.
33. 赵俊虎*,
杨杰, 龚志强,
等, 2013: 欧亚中高纬阻塞高压关键区高度场动力-统计跨季度预测试验.
物理学报, 62(9): 099206-1-9.
34. 赵俊虎,
封国林, 张世轩,
等, 2011: 近48年中国的季节变化与极端温度事件的联系.
物理学报, 60(9): 099205-1-9.
封国林, 赵俊虎,
杨杰, 张世轩,
熊开国, 王启光,
龚志强, 郑志海,
支蓉. 中国汛期降水动力-统计预测研究,
2015, 北京: 科学出版社,
1. Liangtao Xu, Wenjuan Zhang, Xi Cao, Junhu Zhao, Yijun Zhang, 2022: A 10-Year Thundersnow Climatology over China. Geophysical Research Letters, doi: 10.1029/2022GL100734.
2. Liu Yang, Junhu Zhao, Shuai Li, et al, 2022: Enhanced impact of the early summer tropical eastern Pacific SST on North China July-August rainfall around the late 1970s. International Journal of Climatology, 42(6): 3463-3476. doi: 10.1002/joc.7427.
3. Hongyan Shen, Junhu Zhao, King Yeung Cheung, et al, 2021: Causes of the Extreme Snowfall Anomaly over the Northeast Tibetan Plateau in Early Winter 2018. Climate Dynamics, 56: 1767–1782.
4. Han Zhang, Junhu Zhao, Bicheng Huang, et al, 2022: The variabilities of convective precipitation and large-scale precipitation in southern China for the period 1980–2020. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-022-04017-4.
5. Zhiqiang Gong, Junhu Zhao, Guolin Feng, Jifan Chou, 2015: Dynamic-statistics combined forecast scheme based on the abrupt decadal change component of summer precipitation in East Asia. Science China: Earth Sciences, 58(3): 404–419. doi: 10.1007/s11430-014-4967-4. [龚志强,赵俊虎,封国林,丑纪范, 2015: 基于海温关键区的东亚及近海夏季降水年代际变化的动力-统计预报方案研究. 中国科学: 地球科学, 45(2): 236-252]
6. Jie Zhou, Junhu Zhao, Zhiqiang Gong, Wenping He, 2015: Spatial-temporal Characteristics and Moisture Budget of Water Cycle Elements in Different Seasons in Northeast China. Chin. Phys. B, 24(4): 049203-1-8.
7. Jie Zhou, Junhu Zhao, Rong Zhi, 2019: Possible Causes of the Anomalous Characteristics of Autumn Rain in Western China in 2017. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 138: 1109-1123.
8. Tianshu Ye, Rong Zhi, Junhu Zhao, Zhiqiang Gong, 2014: The two annual northward jumps of the West Pacific Subtropical High and their relationship with summer rainfall in Eastern China under global warming. Chin. Phys. B, 23(6): 069203-1-10.
9. 陈丽娟,赵俊虎,顾 薇,等,2019: 我国汛期内主要气候事件研究和应用进展. 应用mobilesport365_365游戏盒子_28365备用网址官方网站学报,30(4): 385-400.
10. 封国林,赵俊虎,支 蓉,等,2013: 动力-统计客观定量化汛期降水预测研究新进展. 应用mobilesport365_365游戏盒子_28365备用网址官方网站学报, 24(6): 656-665.
11. 龚志强,赵俊虎,封国林,2013: 中国东部2012年夏季降水及年代际转型的可能性分析. 物理学报, 62(9): 099205.
12. 杨 杰,赵俊虎,郑志海,等,2012: 华北汛期降水多因子相似订正方案与预报试验. 大气科学, 36(1): 11-22.
13. 熊开国,赵俊虎,封国林,等,2012: 汛期降水相似动力预报-模式误差主分量相似预报方法. 物理学报,61(14): 149204.