A Study on the Optimum Algorithm of Global Ocean-atmosphere Coupled Models
摘要: 气候模式不断发展的同时,对高性能计算机提出了更高的要求,如何提高模式在现有计算机资源上的运行效率问题已越来越重要。文章介绍了利用编译器优化和手工优化技术对海气耦合模式进行优化试验,优化后模式运行效率提高60%,表明将这些优化方法应用到气候模式的改进工作中,可以达到较好的效果。Abstract: The continuous development of climate model proposes higher requirements to better performance of computers. How to improve the capability of climate model running on current-stage computer resources becomes more and more urgent. The article is devoted to the optimization of Ocean-atmosphere Coupled Model via an editor or manually. It is shown that the optimized Global Ocean-atmosphere Coupled Model can raise the efficiency of the model operation by 60%, indicating that the optimization can help improve the performance of the model.
Key words:
- High performance computing;
- Climate model;
- Optimum algorithm
表 1 模式优化之前积分1个月运行效率报告的部分内容
表 2 标准函数与MASS函数使用CPU周期个数及其加速比
表 3 使用矢量MASS函数库修改程序代码例子
表 4 模式积分1个月运行时间统计
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