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        欢迎访问中国mobilesport365_365游戏盒子_28365备用网址官方网站科学研究院官方网站 English
        • 时间 2023-03-09
        当前所在位置 : 首页 > 科研成果 > 论文发表
        > 论文发表
        论文题目 刊物/论文集名称 作者姓名 发表/出版日期 收录类别
        Determining the fluctuation of PM2.5 mass concentration and its applicability to Monin–Obukhov similarity SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT (3)魏伟(职) 2020-01-03 SCI
        Fine Three‐Dimensional VHF Lightning Mapping Using Waveform Cross‐Correlation TOA Method Earth and Space Science (4)刘恒毅(职),(5)董万胜(职) 2020-01-02 SCI
        A 100-m-Scale Modeling Study of a Gale Event on the Lee Side of a Long Narrow Mountain Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology (1)薛海乐(职),(2)李建01(职),(3)钱婷婷(职),(4)古红萍(外) 2020-01-01 SCI
        Nitrogen deposition magnifies the sensitivity of desert steppe plant communities to large changes in precipitation- Journal of Ecology (1)马全会(外),(2)刘晓迪(外),(3)李义博(外),(4)李浪(外),(5)于鸿莹(外),(6)戚妙(外),(7)周广胜(职),(8)许振柱(外) 2020-01-01 SCI
        Evaluation of restoration approaches on the Inner Mongolian Steppe based on criteria of the Society for Ecological Restoration. Environmental and Experimental Botany (1)张峰(学),(2)Christer Nilsson(外),(3)许振柱(外),(4)周广胜(职) 2020-01-01 SCI
        拔节期干旱和复水对春玉米物候的影响及其生理生态机制 生态学报 (1)胡明新(学),(2)周广胜(职) 2020-01-01 CSCD
        2002–2010 年中国典型生态系统辐射及光能利用效率数据集 中国科学数据 (43)周广胜(职) 2020-01-01 其他
        基于文献整合的中国不同下垫面植被覆盖度模型数据集[J/OL]. 中国科学数据 (1)刘二华(学),(2)周广胜(职),(3)周莉(职) 2020-01-01 CSCD
        • Determining the fluctuation of PM2.5 mass concentration and its applicability to Monin–Obukhov similarity

          SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT (3)魏伟(职) 2020-01-03 SCI
        • Fine Three‐Dimensional VHF Lightning Mapping Using Waveform Cross‐Correlation TOA Method

          Earth and Space Science (4)刘恒毅(职),(5)董万胜(职) 2020-01-02 SCI
        • A 100-m-Scale Modeling Study of a Gale Event on the Lee Side of a Long Narrow Mountain

          Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology (1)薛海乐(职),(2)李建01(职),(3)钱婷婷(职),(4)古红萍(外) 2020-01-01 SCI
        • Nitrogen deposition magnifies the sensitivity of desert steppe plant communities to large changes in precipitation-

          Journal of Ecology (1)马全会(外),(2)刘晓迪(外),(3)李义博(外),(4)李浪(外),(5)于鸿莹(外),(6)戚妙(外),(7)周广胜(职),(8)许振柱(外) 2020-01-01 SCI
        • Evaluation of restoration approaches on the Inner Mongolian Steppe based on criteria of the Society for Ecological Restoration.

          Environmental and Experimental Botany (1)张峰(学),(2)Christer Nilsson(外),(3)许振柱(外),(4)周广胜(职) 2020-01-01 SCI
        • 拔节期干旱和复水对春玉米物候的影响及其生理生态机制

          生态学报 (1)胡明新(学),(2)周广胜(职) 2020-01-01 CSCD
        • 2002–2010 年中国典型生态系统辐射及光能利用效率数据集

          中国科学数据 (43)周广胜(职) 2020-01-01 其他
        • 基于文献整合的中国不同下垫面植被覆盖度模型数据集[J/OL].

          中国科学数据 (1)刘二华(学),(2)周广胜(职),(3)周莉(职) 2020-01-01 CSCD